Wednesday, 28 September 2011

A Winter of Content

Summer's remembrance
Of exuberance outgoing
Of times at play,
And doing, and making,
And laughing, and out there,
Being seen.

But our heritage is hidden
So in true summer fashion
Mayflies in action
We flit and buzz.
Incessant fanatics
Who've lost even seeking,
In copying their antics

The livery of gold
Rustles in green
Heralds coming dark.
Calling-in the day
And preparing the way
Of surrendered exuberance
Prepared to stand bare
In the silence of Winter to come

Let the leaves fall
And let the mist settle
On ponds become placid
Abandon the market
Search out our roots
And make our way home.
There to sit
In the glowing silence
Of our true home's fires

Monday, 4 July 2011


I'll not die a single time
Nor etch a wall with a single line
To gain a mirrored lass for me
For I have seen deep in my heart

Love's Goddess in there making art
Of all my wiles and all my ways
So that I can live each day
With Joy my Love, She's here to stay.

Though she tries it to conceal
Tries hard not ever to reveal
Her mission true is Goddess scent
To probe my heart for another rent

But I will say quite cheerfully,
You may be seeking, but you will see
That Heart and Soul, will not relent
Till all your efforts are quite spent

Unless of course you really trust
This world though it is made of dust
Is hiding deep within your Heart
Love's God who's in there making art
Preparing yet another guise
To offer you your own surprise

These words were called, These words responded.

Life, an eternal circle.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

A Fool's Spring

Heroic effort's lost
Striving valiantly
Against a current
Of strife and life

Chopped and cut
Sliced and diced
Peeled layers bringing
Tears to these eyes

A tragic vessel
That will not sink
Surrenders to drown.
 Then resurfaces, born anew

His uncertain hands
Plant fresh seeds,
And cradled new life
Springs forth renewed

The single fool
Shoulders his swag
Searching again for
The ends of this earth

And there he sits
Toes dipped silently into the infinite.
Casting a line to plumb forever
And only catching these passing moments

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


In the silence of absence
Our memories re-create
The echoes of what once was

Surging out, then rebounding
Our memories froth and foam
In roller-coasters of reminiscence

That return us again and again
To the comfort and shelter
Of our own Personal Bay

The swells, rips, and familiar turbulence
Of this murky water our proof
That this world is yet a solid place
Even if unseen fish
Still tickle our submerged toes

Surely this is preferable to
A crystal clear lagoon with water
Possessing such clarity that
One will certainly fall through
Into Heaven. Beyond