I'll not die a single time
Nor etch a wall with a single line
To gain a mirrored lass for me
To gain a mirrored lass for me
For I have seen deep in my heart
Love's Goddess in there making art
Of all my wiles and all my ways
So that I can live each day
With Joy my Love, She's here to stay.
Though she tries it to conceal
Tries hard not ever to reveal
Her mission true is Goddess scent
To probe my heart for another rent
But I will say quite cheerfully,
You may be seeking, but you will see
That Heart and Soul, will not relent
Till all your efforts are quite spent
Unless of course you really trust
This world though it is made of dust
Is hiding deep within your Heart
Love's God who's in there making art
Preparing yet another guise
To offer you your own surprise
These words were called, These words responded.
Life, an eternal circle.