Friday, 18 June 2010

To Whom it May Concern

Sparkling shimmering spinning true,
Twinkling shrinking winking at you,
Flaring dancing, holding my sight,
A sparkle twinkle, deep in the night.

Glittering flashes ripple the bay,
The flaming ruby's lighting the day.
Crystals of ice, white in the light
All flashing messages into our sight.

Did they sparkle your dendrons firing?
Or merely herald your life expiring?

Oh blind with your cane you suffer alone,
Thinking there's much, for which to atone.

But listen carefully, listen to me,
I'm revealing a purpose, setting you free.

Digest your world, consume it whole,
Give it away as food for the Soul,

For in a hand that's Shiva blue,
Lies an invitation just for you.


Anonymous said...

Hello BuddhiHermit, Rachel sent me to your blog. I read her post, 'the invitation', and bawled my eyes out (this after just starting to read a few lines). It seems I'm getting the same feeling/reaction from reading your poem (but at least I have no trouble reading it the whole way through, lol). Thank you for this; love it too.

BuddhiHermit said...

Thank you Earthianne. Rachel does seem to have that effect ...