Wednesday 16 June 2010

Willow Tree

A gentle breeze nudged a willow fair
As she contemplated her reflections there,
In the still clear waters of her lake
Where many creatures their thirst could slake.

At first from roots did she espy,
A Truth of nature, and a Lie,
thence to trunk, and branch did fly ,
Her vision and the way in which, her desire to enrich,
Was something she could not deny.

Another nudge, and those tresses there, began to sway and flow
And slowly slowly with the flow, did dance and swing,
And tempted , oh so tempted, did find new places she could go.

“Dance with me”, with the breeze,
Free up your limbs, and move with ease
Thresh them wildly in the storm,
Shake out your hair, and feel free-form

For in the spring I will carry,
Your scented gifts, though I may tarry,
To send the bees to hum at you
From a Tor adorned, just now in view.

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